Mark Brown - product image

Mark Brown

420 x 297 | GF Smith Colourplan pristine white paper 175gsme.g. Satin Paper
Mark says, "My submission is a tribute to a man who sums up all that's great about Manchester and more specifically Salford, John Cooper Clarke.
The design is a typographic representation of one of his most well-loved poems 'Twat'.

I have a particular fondness for this poem as it represents so many of the things I love about the character of Mancunian and Salfordian people: the absolute refusal to suffer fools gladly, the ability to cut through pretentiousness and bullshit with severe biting wit, and above the filthy language that, delivered in John's uncompromisingly flat, nasal Salford tones, sound like pure poetry to me.

The stern, upper case, sans-serif letters of the main verses reflect the tone of John putting a fool in his place, whilst the juxtaposition of ornate, flowery typography with the poems key word 'Twat' reflects John's ability to turn the supposed 'language of the gutter' into a thing of ugly beauty."