Yasmin Momomiat - product image

Yasmin Momomiat

420 x 297 | GF Smith Colourplan pristine white paper 175gsme.g. Satin Paper
Unique, limited edition, print. The print is numbered and branded with a unique MASI stamp.

Yasmin says, "Manchester Is great ! I have enjoyed many nights and seen excellent bands, enjoyed festivals and lived in several locations in Manchester. There is so many aspects to Manchester I find fit and worthy of a piece of art work dedicated to it. There is places to eat and new music to listen to and always new interests to pursue.

So I decided to narrow this vast subject down to something that has recently in the past months have made me happy to be part of Manchester. And that is quite simply being able to get on a tram from Chorlton to Manchester in 15 minutes.

Something small but wonderful that I think is a progression in the development of this wonderful city.

So my artwork is in a collage format about the tram service. And whilst creating this collage I researched into the history of the old disused train station Chorlton, which was opened in October of 1880 and closed in 1967. Chorlton station was closed down due to lost of services from Manchester Central (GMEX centre) and Guide Bridge.

The collage has different parts to express the old station into the new. The hand holding the unclear ticket is to suggest both parts of the service. the old train & freight and the new tram service thus the reason why its unclear. The old service where children are being evacuated out of the city during WW2 a very important day at the Chorlton station & the new futuristic bright yellow tram that are new transport.

All in all its great the Chorlton station is back and even better to get into Manchester in 15 minutes."